
Charity Video Production

Films helping charities do good things

At MJ Films, we understand the power of storytelling in driving change and fostering connections. Our charity video production services are dedicated to amplifying the voices of those who strive to make a positive impact in the world. We are committed to transforming the narratives of charities into beautifully crafted films that inform, engage, and create genuine impact.

Crafting Stories that Matter

1. A Platform for Voices:

Every charity has a unique story, filled with passion and dedication. MJ Films is your partner in bringing these stories to the forefront. We are not just videographers; we are listeners, keen on understanding and capturing the essence of your mission, weaving the experiences and voices of your community into a compelling narrative.

charity video production uk

2. Engaging Content:

We believe that the right story, told in the right way, can move mountains. Our charity videos are designed to engage the audience, evoke emotions, and inspire action. Whether it's to raise awareness, encourage donations, or celebrate the milestones of your charity, our films are tailored to resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

3. Impactful Results:

The charitable sector is a testament to the power of collective effort and compassion. Our films aim to be an extension of this impact, helping charities succeed in their awareness and fundraising goals. We understand that great content does more than just tell a story; it makes a real difference to the people you serve and supports the vital work you do.

Our Commitment to the Charitable Sector

MJ Films takes immense pride in collaborating with charitable organisations. We recognise the importance of your work and are dedicated to providing you with a medium to share your mission with the world. Our approach is rooted in respect, empathy, and a deep understanding of the charitable sector's unique needs and aspirations.

Let's Create Together

Are you ready to share your charity's story in a way that truly resonates and drives action? Contact MJ Films today. Let's jo in hands to create powerful, inspiring video content that not only tells your story but also supports the incredible work you do every day.


CAA approved

Qualified UAV (drone) operator with a CAA Permission for Commercial Operations


MJ Films creates bespoke branded video content across various industries.

Cardiff | Bristol | Oxford | London